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Tommaso Varriale su Behind Magazine

Guardate un pò dov’è andato a finire il nostro giovane collaboratore Tommaso Varriale, eclettico surfer-shaper in erba-videomaker-photographer nonchè caro amico di surfate…

Styling in Rimini Darsena.


Tommy è stato intervistato per Behind Magazine, ed ecco qui un estratto dell’inizio dell’intervista, il resto cliccando sul link a fondo pagina.


Tommaso Varriale is an italian surfer and freelance photographer. Born in Rimini in 1986, Tommaso began to travel around the world since the early years of his life. From his own travels was born the passion for photography.

Hello Tommaso. So! What else can we say to introduce yourself?

Hi Davide, as you just pointed out, i started travelling very early, when i was child, joining my parents’ trips, mostly in the wintertime. These (continua…)

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