Olympic Channel e la International Surfing Association (ISA) presentano la premiere mondiale del documentario Shredding Monsters prodotto da Olympic Channel, con Alessandro Marcianò, Garrett McNamara, Jamie Mitchell, Hugo Vau ed Andrew Cotton.
Questo venerdi, 26 maggio alle 7 p.m. CET ci sarà la premiere di Shredding Monsters, produzione targata Olympic Channel, presso il Casino Teatro Municipale di Biarritz, Francia, in occasione degli ISA World Surfing Games 2017.
Shredding Monsters rivela l’adrenalina che si respira nel mondo del big wave surfing. Il documentario di 44 minuti segue un gruppo di amici surfisti approdati a Nazarè, villaggio di pescatori portoghese, per tentare di surfare lo swell più grande dell’anno. Un viaggio attraverso gli occhi di cinque atleti che spingono i loro limiti mentali e fisici per inseguire queste bestie oceaniche, Shredding Monsters con il detentore del record mondiale Garrett McNamara, Jamie Mitchell (vincitore del WSL Nazaré Challenge 2016), il portoghese Hugo Vau, l’inglese Andrew Cotton e l’italiano Alessandro Marciano.
Jamie Mitchell, Hugo Vau e Alessandro Marciano, protagonisti del film, saranno presenti e disponibili ai media immediatamente dopo la proiezione.
Guarda il trailer qui:
What: World Premiere Screening of Shredding Monsters
Where: Municipal Casino Theatre
Biarritz, France
Date: Friday, 26 May 2017
Time: Blue Carpet opens at 7 p.m. CET
Screening at 8 p.m. CET
Who: – Jamie Mitchell, Hugo Vau and Alessandro Marciano
- Athletes, Executives and Officials representing the Olympic Channel, ISA, City of Biarritz, and the 2017 ISA World Surfing Games Local Organising Committee
Preview: A short promotional trailer for Shredding Monsters can be watched HERE.
Cover foto: Alessandro Marcianò sulla locandina di Shredding Monsters
About the Olympic Channel
The Olympic Channel is a multi-platform destination where fans can discover, engage and share in the power of sport and the excitement of the Olympic Games all year round. Offering original programming, news, live sports events and highlights, the Olympic Channel provides additional exposure for sports and athletes 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Olympic Channel was launched in August 2016 in support of the IOC’s goal, set out in Olympic Agenda 2020, of providing a new way to engage younger generations, fans and new audiences with the Olympic Movement. Founding Partners supporting the Olympic Channel are Worldwide TOP Partners Bridgestone, Toyota and Alibaba. The Olympic Channel is available worldwide via mobile apps for Android and iOS devices and at olympicchannel.com.
About the International Surfing Association
The International Surfing Association (ISA), founded in 1964, is recognized by the International Olympic Committee as the world governing authority for Surfing. The ISA crowned its first Men’s and Women’s World Champions in 1964. It crowned the first Big Wave World Champion in 1965; World Junior Champion in 1980; World Kneeboard Champions in 1982; World Longboard Surfing and World Bodyboard Champions in 1988; World Tandem Surfing Champions in 2006; World Masters Champions in 2007; and World StandUp Paddle (SUP) and Paddleboard Champions in 2012. ISA membership includes the surfing National Governing Bodies of 100 countries on five continents. Its headquarters are located in La Jolla, California. It is presided over by Fernando Aguerre (Argentina), first elected President in 1994 in Rio de Janeiro. The ISA’s four Vice-Presidents are Karín Sierralta (PER), Kirsty Coventry (ZIM), Casper Steinfath (DEN) and Barbara Kendall (NZL).
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