
I heart italy part iii – Surfing Magazine ha pubblicato sul blog la terza e ultima parte della web story sul viaggio in Sardegna di Marc Lacomare e Marlon Lipke di qualche settimana fa.

Se avete seguito le prime due puntate scritte da Andrew Lewis, qui c’è un estratto della terza parte

“My friend Microsoft Dictionary powered by Encarta defines the word “peak” several ways, all of which are relevant to the final day of this Mediterranean gallivant of ours. “To max out” suffices for describing our swell, which “hit [its] highest point” at around head high and was relievingly good. To “reach your zenith” works exceptionally for our entourage, which “climaxed” at fifteen men, six cars. I know these numbers because I was forced to write them down; I simply cannot commit such lofty figures to memory.”

Per leggere l’articolo completo, CLICCA QUI.

Guarda il video di Marc e Marlon in Sardegna, con il doppiaggio in italiano, nella sezione video oppure CLICCA QUI!

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