
Surfer Poll Awards
Una Notte Per Andy Irons

Si è svolto sulla North Shore il tradizionale Surfer Poll Award quest’anno con la 40esima edizione tutta dedicata alla memoria di Andy Irons. Slater e Gilmore ancora una volta al top degli onori.


Bruce Irons ritira il premio in nome di Andy. Foto Joli


Quest’anno la manifestazione ideata dalla rivista Surfer Magazine, che ogni anno attribuisce i premi ai personaggi del surf che si sono distinti maggiormente, ha spostato la location dal tradizionale teatro di Anaheim, California, al Turtle Bay Resort di Oahu, lontano quindi fal jet set, per una cerimonia che ha portato il Surfer Poll nella culla del surf internazionale, le Hawaii.

Per la prima volta negli ultimi dieci anni del Surfer Poll, mancava Andy Irons, recentemente scomparso il mese scorso e fortemente ricordato durante tutta la serata. Il suo premio, il sesto posto per il “Best Barrel”, miglior tubo preso da Andy nel video High 5 prodotto da Transworld Mag, è stato ricevuto in suo nome dal fratello Bruce Irons, che durante i brevi momenti sul palco per il discorso ha dovuto trattenere a stento l’emozione.

Kelly Slater. Foto Joli


Al primo posto della classifica maschile e femminile sono stato votati ancora Kelly Slater e Stephanie Gilmore, meritatamente dopo i rispettivi titoli mondiali, il decimo e il quarto. Accettando il premio, Slater ha raccontato un aneddoto di Andy durante una sua session di surf contro Layne Beachley. Andy Irons è stato l’uomo della serata. “E’ ovviamente un periodo dolce e amaro” ha detto Slater, “La serata era per Andy, e questo credo abbia mantenuto tutti più concentrati”.



Surfer Poll Results:


1. Kelly Slater: ”I don’t think you come up here and not have your heart pounding out of your chest. I don’t care how many times you’ve won this and stood in front of this microphone.”
2. Dane Reynolds: ”S–t, man! Two is pretty high. It’s really funny to be accepting award like this in Hawaii. I surfed V-today and felt like a grom. I was on the bottom of the pecking order, fighting with 12-year-old kids for waves. I barely surf Pipe other than my heats because I don’t really get waves. It makes sense winning awards like this at Trestles because I do airs and stuff, but it’s super funny winning one like this in Hawaii.”
3. Jordy Smith: ”Thank you to my family and everybody here tonight.”
4. Mick Fanning: ”I’d like to thank the ocean and Hawaiians for giving us a reason to go surfing.”
5. Taj Burrow: ”I just want to say Surfer Poll is one of my most favorite nights because of all those video clips.” 
6. Andy Irons: ”My brother loved surfing more than anybody I know.”
7. Rob Machado: ”Wow? Much props to Surfer Magazine. It’s really special to be here in Hawaii — it’s the birthplace to surfing. It’s an honor to be in this group of people.”
8. Joel Parkinson: ”Stoked to be back up year. I spent most of the year sitting on the couch so I’m stoked to be up here.”
9. Julian Wilson: ”I’m truly honored to accept this trophy. I came to Hawaii and I had a stellar year.”
10. Owen Wright: ”Thanks for 10th place. It’s probably the lowest placing award I’ve ever had and it’s definitely a big honor anyway.”


1. Stephanie Gilmore: ”Kelly you had an amazing year, but this one is for Andy.”
2. Carissa Moore: ”This year was a big year for me.”
3. Coco Ho: ”Surfer Poll is finally in Hawaii, and I hope my dad made it from the bar to listen to me.”
4. Sofia Mulanovich: “Everyone here is amazing.”
5. Alana Blanchard: ”Hi, everyone. Thanks everyone for voting.”


Video Awards:
Heavy Water Award: Jamie O’Brien (Who Is J.O.B.)
Cinematography Award: Taylor Steele (Castles In the Sky)
Worst Wipeout Award: Derek Dunfee
Best Maneuver: Jordy Smith (Modern Collective)
Best Performance: Jamie O’Brien (Who Is JOB)
Digital Short of the Year: Mickey Smith and Allen Wilson (Dark Side of the Lens)
Breakthrough Performer: Craig Anderson (“This is the best thing I’ve ever won … I’ve never won anything before.”)
Best Barrel: Andy Irons (High 5)
Agents of Change Award: Mauli Ola Foundation
Documentary of the Year: Sea of Darkness
Movie of the Year: Modern Collective


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Una Notte Per Andy Irons

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